Sunday, 16 October 2011

First experiments: the process

During the first day of experiments (14th October) the following procedures took place:

·         different types of bottles were tested for burst strength
·         bottles of the same type were filled with solid C02 ranging from 2 to 34,5 gr.
The stable samples will be used for the compression test scheduled on the 17th of this month
·         leakage through the cap was evaluated and different sealing methods were attempted
·         first set of measurements was taken to determine CO2 leakage.
      Next measurements will take place on the 17th of this month
·         12 bottles of the same type were filled with 6gr of solid C02 and will be tested together under compression (lateral)
·         The elastic deformation of the different samples was observed

Types of bottles

List of measurements on the samples
Based on the outcome of the experiments:

·         A comparison between PET bottles regarding burst strength was formulated
·         The areas of the PET bottles most prone to cracking were located 
·         A first perception of the relationship between CO2 content and the resulting rigidity was obtained
·         The performance of screw caps for carbonated and non-carbonated products
was compared

In short, the steps of the experiment were the following:

Insert dry ice in the bottles

Examine deformation and cracking

Repeat process varying the dosage, the bottle type and the sealing method

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